Speaking on FBA at the Roanoke Code Camp on March 1st

Yep that’s right, I am speaking at Roanoke Code Camp. (Special thanks to Michael Lotter) who suggested the idea to me when we were heading up to the Philly code camp about a month ago, and helped me learn everything about FBA that I know now. I will be speaking about FBA (Forms Based Authentication) and configuring it with MOSS 2007.

I have been tagging along with Michael Lotter for the last few months to Code Camps all over the east coast, and after a few times and seeing how rewarding of an experience it is to listen to all these great speakers share their knowledge, I decided why not do it. I have done a few MOSS 2007 installations and FBA configurations and I think I know enough to stand up there and talk about it for an hour or so 🙂

I will post my slides, notes, and code samples here after the code camp, I encourage everybody to take a look and try it out and let me know what you think.

Thanks guys,


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